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Saturday, November 4, 2023

My first amiguirmi - Alex the alligator.

I have many years of knitting experiences but not crocheting. I’ve knitted sweaters, booties, hats for my daughters and granddaughters but have never learned to crochet. I am a knitter, not a hooker!  Then one day, my daughter told me that there is a trend going on all over the world, it’s called Amigurumi that I should try it out. From knowing nothing about crochet, I’ve decided to give it a try,  I started to read books, watch YouTube videos, and buy all accessories to start…and now I am hooked.  Alex, the alligator was my very first crocheted toy. I was fortunate not to have any difficulty of getting it made.  Perhaps, all my knitting experiences had helped me going through the process easily. This one took me about 10 hours, by following a pattern from and pattern book and Alex is born!  


I am quite happy with the outcome, still have lots to learn though. After Alex, I’ll keep making more toys to gain experience and knowledge about Amigurumi.  It’s such a huge world out there about amigurimi. I want to be able to crochet a toy for each and everyone of my granddaughter. My goal is to eventually crochet many toys for all the orphans and children where they don’t have a family to buy one for them. My propose for this blog is to log down all my progress. I will put all my thoughts and things I’ve learned here to share with you.  See you next post!

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