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Friday, November 24, 2023

Santa Hat

 The other day, my girl friend asked me if I could make her a Santa Hat for her boyfriend. It’s a surprise gift for Christmas. Oh my, I have never done up a. Santa Hat before, but I am willing to take on this challenge. Once I have decided to create one for her, I start doing research, searching online for the right pattern and start my project. She requests to put an holly leave on the rim of the hat and she said, her boyfriend like longer tip.  After a few days of doing research and I found something that I could work with…

This one didn’t take me long to create, maybe because it’s my first time creating a Santa Hat, I kind of having a mixed feeling about it, not sure if I could make it the way she wants, but it has accomplished.  I show it to her and she likes it a lot. Now, it’s just pending for pick-up. I used acrylic yarn for this because acrylic yarn is more stretchable. It’s machine washable with Cold water and lay flat to dry. She gave me his head circumference and I just have to make sure it’s will fit. I have to alter a little on the pattern to get the result I want. This is one reason I like to create and design, it’s never the same every time, I have to be intuitive and think through my creations - I enjoy the challenge and the making process.

Christmas is just around the corner, If you still haven’t buy all the gifts/presents for the loved ones, consider order something from LalaBuy Baby, we are still taking orders. See you at the next post!


IG: LalaBuy.Baby

FB: https://www.facebook.com/LalaBuyBaby

Email: Lalabuybaby66@gmail.com

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Ria, the Hippo

After we’ve made a giraffe for the bigger sister, how could we missed not making one for the younger sister too? Liandra saw her older sister has a giraffe, she wanted one as well. She said, I would like a hippo because they are the strongest animal is the world, As being the grandparents, we want to be fair, so Ria was made right after Gigi was created. Let’s meet Ria, the little hippo!

Ria is a cute little thing, she is about 7 inches tall, I used the Premier yarn on her, it’s 45% cotton and 55% acrylic, it’s totally machine washable if this get dirty. I added a few strange of eye lashes, an eye brows and put her in a stripe two colour T-shirt with a bow around the neck, just cuteness overload. 


Here is Ria side view. The two pink patches on her face are her nostrils. Liandra loves her very much, she is keeping Ria on her bed every night. 

I have been getting orders for different projects made for Christmas, From amigurumi toys; to Santa Hat, to puppy dog. I feel complete when I can create something from scratch and custom made a piece that my customer love. Some of my works go to donations for doing a good deed. 

LalaBuy Baby is currently still accepting commission and custom made request. We still have time to create something before Christmas, so don’t delay and place your order now.  All the projects I was working on has completed on time, and ready for some more. Nothing better then a hand made piece to give to a loved one as a gift, it’s heart warming with a personal touch!  See you on my next post! 

Check-out my other websites: 

IG: Lalabuy.baby

FB: https://www.facebook.com/LalaBuyBaby

Email: Lalabuybaby66@gmail.com

Monday, November 13, 2023

Gigi, the giraffe.

Our granddaughter, Sydney is a figure skater. She is ten years old and has already exceeded the top of her classes in the same age group, she is currently training with the advance group, the teens group. All her teacher has mentioned she has such talents and will go far in figure skating. She makes grandpa and grandma very proud. I can foresee she will join the Olympic in the future and represents our country. 

Her favourite spirit animal is the giraffe. She has a little stuffie giraffe that she carries around in her backpack to all her practices. She claims that was her lucky giraffe which gave her many number one in her competitions. Then one day, someone has stolen the giraffe off her backpack and put her in misery. She is very sad and looking for a replacement.  I’ve decided to make her one out of yarn. Meet Gigi, the giraffe from Grandma Lala!

Gigi stands about 12 inches tall, The base pattern is from a pattern book, but I have altered some of the stitches and gave her some hair and eyelashes, and spots. I used 100% acrylic yarn with a 3.50mm hook for this one. Gigi is also washable, but preferred to be hand wash and air dry. This one took me approx. 10 hours to complete. I put the number 1 pool ball beside her while taking the picture to wish her number 1 in all her competitions.  

Sydney and her parents lives in Vernon which is a beautiful little town in British Columbia, Canada. We have to drop Gigi off to her and play her a visits in the Summer last year. It was a great trip. She loves it so much and place on her bed to sleep with her at night. In the morning, once she has made her bed, she will put Gigi right by the pillows. Unfortunately, Gigi is too bit to put in her backpack to take it with her to practice. She said, “she doesn’t want this one to be stolen again and it’s safer to keep Gigi at home”. She is so cute and we love her very much. That is the story how Gigi was born. See you next post!

LalaBuy Baby is currently taking orders. Please PM me if you want one made before Christmas, don’t forget I can ship it to you too if you live in a different town. 

Check-out my pages: 

Email: Lalabuybaby66@gmail.com

IG: Lalabuy.baby

FB: https://www.facebook.com/LalaBuyBaby

Friday, November 10, 2023

Riko and Sara, the twin squirrels

The other day, my girlfriend share an exciting news with me that her Japanese daughter-in-laws has just gave birth to a pair of beautiful twin daughters. She has just becomes a grandma for the very first time - what’s an great news! Their names are Riko and Sara. Grandma asks if I could crochet something cute for her to ship over to Japan for the new born granddaughters? I said, “for sure, it would be my honour and love to so”.  My friend wants something that represent Canada, so the twin squirrels are born. 

She doesn’t wants the common animal such as; teddy bear, bunny, puppy etc. She wants something that is more unique so I’ve created the squirrel. I used grey colour for the body with a patch of white at the front. I choose two different colours to make the toque and I made one squirrel smaller size for the smaller twin, the torque colour are white and red which represents our Canadian and Japanese flag. One is holding a white ball and the other a red ball. I named them Riko and Sara which are the names of the twin. 

This is what the back looks like. I put my leather logo of LalaBuy Baby at the back. Everything about these squirrels are baby and child proof and machine washable. My girlfriend told me her son’s family love it very much which made me very happy. This is one of my special designed amigurimi toys I’ve made specific for the twin.

I used 55% cotton and 45% acrylic yarn with a 2.5mm hook. This sets took me approx. 15 hours from start to finish. It stands about 7 inches tall, perfect side for baby. This is a meaningful gifts from the grandmother to them. 

As X’mas is approaching around the corner, please PM LalaBuy Baby to create one of the kind toy for your loved one, something that is custom made with love. You won’t see a similar one out in the market.

See you next post! 

Checkout my: 

IG: Lalabuy.baby

FB: https://www.facebook.com/LalaBuyBaby

Email: LalaBuyBaby66@gmail.com

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Lulu, the Butterfly

Meet Lulu, the butterfly. I got the pattern of Lulu from a pattern book by Erinna Lee. She is an Australia designer/author who is very talented. I’ve learned a lot from her. Originally, I was making this one for my granddaughter, Elianna but ended up keeping it for my own as a sample.

I made Lulu with a combination of cotton and acrylic yarn, 45% acrylic and 55% cotton, it’s has the softer feel to touch. Perfect for toddler to hold in their hand. My two years old granddaughter held her by holding on one of the hand. I used size 2mm hook. Therefore, the holes in between each stitches are a lot smaller. This cuties is about 7 inches tall while sitting and about 9 inches standing.

I used four different colour yarns on her; peach, pink, green and white. Two small safety eyes with a few strand of eyes lashes. She is quite cute. This one is just a sample, the colour can be changed as per your request. 

Because Lulu is more complex and complicated to make, I’ve spent about 12 hours on her. In my opinion, she still has many flaws that I would like to alter to turn her into perfection. She is one of my first one I made in a butterfly form - I truly believe practice makes perfect!

LalaBuy Baby is now taking order for Christmas, or any other Season. If you are interested to have one made for your loved one, please PM me for more information. I do shipping as well. 

See you next post!

Check out: 

IG: LalaBuy.Baby
Email: Lalabuybaby66@gmail.com

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Bella the Bumble Bee

My second amigurimi is Bella, the bumble bee. This one was made for my granddaughter Nevaeh when she was around two years old. It is about 14 inches in height and 5 inches in width, I used acrylic yarn with a 5.0mm hook for this one. It took me about 8 hours to complete, It’s quite challenging when it comes to crochet the black yarn area, I simply can’t see the stitches. Because it’s black in colour and you can’t really tell what you are crocheting. And when you lost a stitch, you are in trouble. You have to crochet by feel, not by look.

Nevaeh loves her bumble bee, she kept it in her crib and sleep with her every night. I try to create a name for all the toys I made, which made it more unique and personal. I feel every kid should have at least one favourite toy to grow old with. That is a priceless memory.

I got this pattern on the internet, and alter a bit on the pattern, I used different colour yarn and change thing up a bit. Oh and I designed a purple bow to add a touch of cuteness. I used a safety eyes but it’s safely fasten at the back that it won’t come loose and it’s child proof. I used a strand of red thin yarn to sew on the mouth. I decided not to give her a nose, I find that’s more cute without one. Two set of wings on each side, the top pair is bigger then the bottom pair. That’s all about Bella for now - I’ll see you at the next post!

I am currently taking orders for Christmas. Please check out my IG account: @lalabuy.baby FB account: @ https://www.facebook.com/LalaBuyBaby for more information. My Email: lalabuybaby66@gmail.com
Please PM me if you want one done for your loved one. 

Saturday, November 4, 2023

My first amiguirmi - Alex the alligator.

I have many years of knitting experiences but not crocheting. I’ve knitted sweaters, booties, hats for my daughters and granddaughters but have never learned to crochet. I am a knitter, not a hooker!  Then one day, my daughter told me that there is a trend going on all over the world, it’s called Amigurumi that I should try it out. From knowing nothing about crochet, I’ve decided to give it a try,  I started to read books, watch YouTube videos, and buy all accessories to start…and now I am hooked.  Alex, the alligator was my very first crocheted toy. I was fortunate not to have any difficulty of getting it made.  Perhaps, all my knitting experiences had helped me going through the process easily. This one took me about 10 hours, by following a pattern from and pattern book and Alex is born!  


I am quite happy with the outcome, still have lots to learn though. After Alex, I’ll keep making more toys to gain experience and knowledge about Amigurumi.  It’s such a huge world out there about amigurimi. I want to be able to crochet a toy for each and everyone of my granddaughter. My goal is to eventually crochet many toys for all the orphans and children where they don’t have a family to buy one for them. My propose for this blog is to log down all my progress. I will put all my thoughts and things I’ve learned here to share with you.  See you next post!